Every year, the back-to-school season comes with its share of last-minute stresses and emergencies, as well as more ongoing worries, such as how to get the kids back into a school routine. When you combine this with the financial strain that back-to-school supplies, extracurriculars, and other costs can place on a family, you are left with a recipe for disaster.
However, there is one way to avoid this: smartly plan ahead. There are strategies to prevent, address, and fix just about any back-to-school emergency, and they don’t have to result in spending hundreds of dollars on new stuff.
Getting Children Motivated
Many parents worry about their children’s motivation before school starts. Quite a lot of children aren’t thrilled by the prospect of the summer ending, while those who are excited about school usually find their enthusiasm waning within a few weeks.
Nothing is more motivating for a child than new supplies. This is one area where spending money saves you money in the long run. Your kid’s school supplies are going to endure a lot of wear and tear, so invest in high-quality products that will last throughout the year and beyond.
Getting Children Dressed
Children, especially teen and pre-teen girls, have a tendency to obsess about a new back-to-school wardrobe. While this can be stressful as a parent, remember how it felt when you were that age and you wanted to look your best for your first day. Look for coupons and discounts from stores like Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Old Navy. For example, you can use Kohls coupon codes to save you a lot of money and make your girl feel confident and ready to go.
Getting Children Rested
Sleep is extremely important to a child’s school performance, but it is also crucial to their health and well-being. It is normal to let kids have more freedom with their bedtime over the summer, but you will need to get them back into a school time morning routine. A gradual change works better than a sudden shift the week before starting, so take it slow and plan things out.
Look for cheap ways to create a soothing nighttime routine. Things like storytime and bubble baths always work for young kids, while older ones may enjoy treats such as scented pillow mists and candles to create a relaxing mood.
Getting Children Ready
When that first day comes, some kids just won’t play along. As a parent, you need to be prepared for anything, from not-getting-dressed temper tantrums to refusing to wake up and even the classic sudden suspicious illness.
Even if they’re not up to something, it may be difficult to get all the children ready on time simply because they’ve lost the habit of a morning routine. Setting a clear morning schedule out for the family is a great way to keep everyone on track. For a cheap and effective bribe, you can even tempt them with a special family breakfast (their favorite).
It’s natural for both kids and parents to worry about going back to school. The summer is a necessary break for their brains, but it can make them reluctant to give up the freedom and lack of stress they’ve enjoyed. The parents’ task is to reassure them while maintaining a sense of structure that will ensure they don’t get overwhelmed when it all starts back again. Don’t worry about the expense -- if do your online research to find the best deals on the best supplies, the financial nightmare of the back-to-school season will be a thing of the past.
However, there is one way to avoid this: smartly plan ahead. There are strategies to prevent, address, and fix just about any back-to-school emergency, and they don’t have to result in spending hundreds of dollars on new stuff.
Getting Children Motivated
Many parents worry about their children’s motivation before school starts. Quite a lot of children aren’t thrilled by the prospect of the summer ending, while those who are excited about school usually find their enthusiasm waning within a few weeks.
Nothing is more motivating for a child than new supplies. This is one area where spending money saves you money in the long run. Your kid’s school supplies are going to endure a lot of wear and tear, so invest in high-quality products that will last throughout the year and beyond.
Getting Children Dressed
Children, especially teen and pre-teen girls, have a tendency to obsess about a new back-to-school wardrobe. While this can be stressful as a parent, remember how it felt when you were that age and you wanted to look your best for your first day. Look for coupons and discounts from stores like Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Old Navy. For example, you can use Kohls coupon codes to save you a lot of money and make your girl feel confident and ready to go.
Getting Children Rested
Sleep is extremely important to a child’s school performance, but it is also crucial to their health and well-being. It is normal to let kids have more freedom with their bedtime over the summer, but you will need to get them back into a school time morning routine. A gradual change works better than a sudden shift the week before starting, so take it slow and plan things out.
Look for cheap ways to create a soothing nighttime routine. Things like storytime and bubble baths always work for young kids, while older ones may enjoy treats such as scented pillow mists and candles to create a relaxing mood.
Getting Children Ready
When that first day comes, some kids just won’t play along. As a parent, you need to be prepared for anything, from not-getting-dressed temper tantrums to refusing to wake up and even the classic sudden suspicious illness.
Even if they’re not up to something, it may be difficult to get all the children ready on time simply because they’ve lost the habit of a morning routine. Setting a clear morning schedule out for the family is a great way to keep everyone on track. For a cheap and effective bribe, you can even tempt them with a special family breakfast (their favorite).
It’s natural for both kids and parents to worry about going back to school. The summer is a necessary break for their brains, but it can make them reluctant to give up the freedom and lack of stress they’ve enjoyed. The parents’ task is to reassure them while maintaining a sense of structure that will ensure they don’t get overwhelmed when it all starts back again. Don’t worry about the expense -- if do your online research to find the best deals on the best supplies, the financial nightmare of the back-to-school season will be a thing of the past.