Dole Academy is thrilled to announce that we're now offering Tutoring On-Demand. Our main methods of delivery continue to be in-person and online, however we recognize that sometimes you can't find time for tutoring in your busy schedules and just want to study alone. But who has the resources to know what to study? Even if you knew the topics to study, where are you going to get the material? Ask Dole Academy for help!
Dole Academy will work with you individually to determine exactly what you want to accomplish. After gathering the needed information from you, we'll help you define your topics and we'll prepare your materials. What could be simpler?
Ask Dole Academy about Tutoring On-Demand pricing!
Dole Academy will work with you individually to determine exactly what you want to accomplish. After gathering the needed information from you, we'll help you define your topics and we'll prepare your materials. What could be simpler?
Ask Dole Academy about Tutoring On-Demand pricing!